
Tuesday 29 October 2013

And more Sahara Desert

Ok. Stop start...stop start.

Ended up in Dakhla, the last town in Morocco. Someone can work it out, but I have done some 5, 000 km so far. Well over 2, 200 km in Morocco. And a good 1, 200 km in the desert region.

My priorities have always been water, fuel, bike and then me. So far I have had little trouble finding what I need. Although the Arabic and French language barrier, has caused me some frustration. And a lot of arm waving.

Well behind me now are your McDonald's and super markets. Replaced by tiny roller shutter garages, come shops. The shop keeper has a counter and his stock is shelved behind him. You point and wave and he gets his calculator out. And doubles the price of everything !!! I've negotiated over the cost of houses and cars. But never toothpaste and bottles of water. !!

Plus side, due to nesseaty, I can order and count in French now. I just had 25 Derham returned to me in a shop. As a direct result of my new found Frenchness. ( Next is blockading , eating cheese and making love to my neighbours wife. ). :))))

It's very isolating here. Very, very few foreigners. Only the odd UN vehicle and Kite Boarders. I have met with the only ex pats that live here. They have all cut a slice of alternative life style. Live very cheeply, in a good climate.  The high winds keeping everyone cool. ( And me riding at 30 degrees ).

I've been in Dakhla longer than I had liked.  I always found when back packing, that I liked places. And would start to grow roots. That's happened here, to a degree. Dakhla is relaxed, has full facilities and worth a visit. Certainly the best city I've been to in Morocco. And yet, if you Google it. It will tell you that the area is disputed terrortry. And very dangerous. For me it was 8/10 and will gladly return.

Below are some photos. Some of me off roading, practicing for what's ahead. I kept within eye sight of the one tarmac road. I still don't have a map or GPS. Not recommended, but certainly gives it an edge. Will be buying maps in The Gambia. But first I have Mauritania. ( Hotter than the Sahara. ) And Senegal. ( More French than Paris. )

Couple of photos of how the fishermen climb down the cliffs to the sea. Properly mental. Climb back up to the desert. And live in home made rock shelters.

Anyway.  All good here. Really up for the next chapter. No wi fi for several days now. And it's definitely a double dose of " brave pill ", for the next bit.

I am risking everything to draw attention to the plight of our wounded servicemen. I don't agree with politicians sending serviceman to war. Them returning without arms and legs. And the government providing absolutely nothing !!!! No British Tax payers money for you.

All whilst the same politicians give away £12 BILLION to countries around the world !! Non of whom have done a single thing for Britain. Our politicians even give our taxes away to China, who has a Space Programme.  And India, which is a nuclear power. !!!!!

So. Let's make a difference here. Sort it out. Make a donation by clicking the Help for Heroes logo. Top right. Donate whatever you think is just. They will all add up. So far £3, 200.

Please don't wait for someone else.
